As a comprehensive manufacturer of liquid precision application equipment (Dispenser), Musashi Engineering, Inc. will work together to support the world's most advanced technologies and achieve the highest customer satisfaction.
In addition, in order to preserve rich nature for the next generation, all organizations and individuals will participate in the promotion and continuous improvement of global environmental protection activities such as climate change countermeasures and maintenance of biodiversity.
We will provide high performance products and services to fulfil customer satisfaction.
In addition to complying with laws and regulations in Japan and overseas, we strive to voluntarily protect the global environment and prevent environmental risks that lead to contamination of the natural environment and health damage caused by chemical substances and waste.
We will provide high quality products sustainably and setup quality and environmental target to keep improving global environment. Our objective is regularly reviewed and improved. In order to provide highly complete products through careful manufacturing, all organizations combine vectors to achieve overwhelming superior product quality and services through continuous improvement. We will work diligently to protect the global environment at any stage of design, manufacturing, sales, logistics, after-sales follow-up and disposal.
Through thorough awareness of the Musashi Spirit of honesty, diligence, collaboration, challenge, originality, and social return, each employee strives to build a high-quality corporate entity with the aim of becoming a "virtue person" with high humanity, personality, and dignity.
July 31, 2023 Musashi Engineering, Inc.
Top Management of Quality and Environment
Naotoshi Ikushima, President
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