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What kind of Dispenser is there?

Type of Dispenser

Dispenser can be broadly divided into two categories: a method in which liquid is pushed out by air pressure or pressure, a method in which materials are discharged using mechanical force such as screws, and a method in which contactless technologies such as a jet method are utilized.
These methods can be used according to the liquid material to be handled, the object to be applied (workpiece), and the required application conditions. In addition, even with the same liquid material, the optimal equipment may differ depending on the operating temperature range, discharge amount, and curing speed, so comprehensive consideration is essential when introducing it.

Musashi Engineering handles the following five types of Dispenser. Below are some of the characteristics of each Dispenser.

Air pulse method

Highly controlled compressed air is added to plastic containers called syringes and barrels, and liquid materials are discharged from the Nozzle attached to the bottom of the container. While the application viscosity range is wide and easy to maintain, it has the disadvantage that the remaining amount of liquid materials (waterhead difference) and changes in viscosity affect the discharge amount. We are developing and offering a lineup of high-performance Dispenser that overcomes these disadvantages.

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Applying Ag paste to touch panel
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UV application to camera modules

The highest peak of the air pulse system
All-function Digital Control Dispenser SuperΣCMIV

In addition to the automatic correction function for waterhead differences, it is equipped with a variety of functions that realize stable and high-precision application, such as prevention of liquid leakage and detection of liquid residual volume.
The excellent user interface with the touch panel allows you to intuitively grasp a lot of information and configure it more easily with screen touch.
The design is energy-saving, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly.

Recommended Links
See product information in SuperΣCMIV
List of Air Pulse Dispenser Products

JET method

It is also called contactless Dispenser. This is a method in which liquid materials are "flying out" from the tip of Nozzle, and the discharge speed is high and there is no need to manage gaps between Nozzle and workpieces. Even on circuit boards with a lot of wiring and parts, Nozzle does not need to approach the application position, reducing the time and effort of fine position adjustment to prevent damage to parts. It can be applied freely from the lower, horizontal, or diagonal direction.

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Application of Underfill agent

Pursuing high reliability and high quality
"Ultra-high-speed and Non-contact JET dispenser SuperJet2"

This jet Dispenser has not only achieved ultra-high speed and ultra-fine application but also improved convenience by reflecting customer feedback.
Three types of contact parts are available to accommodate syringes of all standards. In addition, there are various features such as rod replacement.

Recommended Links
See product information in SuperJet2
List of JET Dispenser products

Volume measurement method

It is a method that controls and discharges liquid materials, such as plunger type and monotype. It is characterized by the fact that the amount of discharge can be set by volume and mass. Because it is not affected by fluctuation or residual amount of liquid viscosity and can maintain a stable discharge amount, this volume-based Dispenser is also used in semiconductor manufacturing and medical fields where precise trace application is important. 
It is also used in situations where it is necessary to discharge a certain amount while maintaining the correct mixing ratio, such as applying two-liquid materials (two-liquid mixing system).

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Potting of sensor components
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Dispensing reagent for vialvin

Extra-precision quantitative discharge of "a liquid that changes viscosity"!
"Digital Control Dispenser MEASURING MASTER MPP-5-S"

It has excellent durability due to its own planner method. You can set the amount of discharge by volume and weight, and you can see the surprising quantitative discharge accuracy in this video. In addition to MMP-5-S, MPP-5-M for large-capacity discharge is also available.

Recommended Links
List of Dispenser Products
What is a planger pump?
Two component dispenser Product List
2 What is Dispenser?

See the product information of MPP-5-S
See the product information of MPP-5-M

Screw method

This is a method in which a liquid material is pushed out and discharged by rotating a screw-shaped rod. Due to its excellent propulsion, it is suitable for application of highly viscous liquid materials such as Heat dissipation materials containing particles (fillers) and conductive adhesives. Also, by controlling the rotation speed of the screw, it is easy to keep the target discharge constant.

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High-speed and stable application without clogging liquid with high viscosity filler!
"High Performance screw Dispenser SCREW MASTER3"

Dispenser is compatible with liquid materials such as cream solder, epoxy resin, and Heat dissipation grease, which are difficult to apply stably and high-precision.
In addition, this product has a variety of benefits, including the convenience of easily replacing the syringe and the cost-effectiveness of using up liquid materials to the end and reducing loss.

Recommended Links
List of Dispenser products
Watch the product information of SCREW MASTER3

Tubbing method

This is a method in which a rotor attached to a rotating body sends the tube continuously by crushing it. ①No air pressure is used for liquid transmission, 2 there is no metal in the liquid transmission part, 3 self-absorbing and continuous liquid is possible, so it is used to apply instant adhesives (cyanoacrylates) and anaerobic fluids (a liquid that hardens when exposed to metal when exposed to the air while the air is cut off), and low-viscous liquid materials.

Best to apply a small amount of anaerobic and low viscosity instant adhesive!
"Rotary Tubbing Dispenser MT-410"

Low viscosity liquid material reduces the generation of fluids and bubbles. Dispenser has easy tube setting and high-precision application without troublesome adjustment. Optionally, a discharge pen with remote switch for manual work is available, making it a popular product in the manual application process.

Recommended Links
See the product information of the MT-410
Manual dispense system

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